La maison


Channeling a vital force

Through the generations, the Grumier have been remarkable for having a strong personality. Sometimes boisterous and restless, sometimes sensitive and calm, being extravert and open is in their genes which adds to their charm. Intensively curious, they are continuously searching for sensations and discoveries, they are captivated by the unknown.

Fabien definitely inherited this character. A vineyard and soil undying lover who wants to stay permanently active. He loves both the adrenaline and the quietness of the scuba diving, the sensitive beauty in the photography, the fine gastronomy, travelling and discovering the world with his wife, meeting new cultures.
All that matters for Fabien is to talk about his passion, his job and share it with other people. He is interested in his colleagues’ performances in other parts of France or throughout the world and he shares his discoveries with his relatives and his friends.

In the Grumier family there have always been this almost vital need to find a means to exert themselves and use all the energy that boils in their blood. This strength of character is also found in their work with a permanent devotion for their vineyards and their wines.


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